5 Reasons why you may still be single
Why are you single? Why are you not married? When are you getting married! If I count the number of times I have been asked these questions, I should be basking in lots of money. My point is this, being single isn’t a disease but remaining single when you desire to be married or you are of a marriageable age is worth reflecting on.

Here are 5 reasons you may still be single;
1 Everything revolves around you. You love your space so much, you love your job, you love your phone too much. You tell people that try to come close to you; it’s not you, it’s me, that’s how I am, I just prefer to stay alone, to be on my own. Even Liverpool understands this and made their slogan “YNWA”.
2 You aren’t growing. The same way, the same level, the same opinion, the same mindset, the same beliefs that isn’t expected, that should not be heard, that you had 5years ago are still the same things you hold dear to heart. It ought not to be so. Who you are becoming determines the kind of people that will be around you or who you will end up with eventually
3 You think GOD will do the work for you, look for a spouse for you and instruct you to marry him or her. So you don’t bother to interact, connect and mingle with people.
4 You are too picky and want Mr/Miss Perfect. Have you not heard? You choose the imperfection that you can work out or live with. Basically saying, you will never find that perfect human being. So trash the unrealistic carnal list of who and what your spec should be.
5 You don’t know what is God’s plan for your marital destiny. When you don’t know, the devil will take advantage of your ignorance and leverage on it. When you don’t pray and know God’s plan on; God, who should I marry? God, when should I marry? You leave it empty and what do devils come to do to void and empty spaces, they make a tabernacle around it and you don’t see a need to be married when you haven’t made a personal decision to remain unmarried and when God hasn’t given you a specific instruction to not marry.
If you fall into any of these categories, note that it’s not the end neither is it over. You can reform yourself, you can be a better version of yourself, you can change your mindset, your belief system, you can begin to commit your single life to God and he will lead you and direct you. At the end of the day, na single you single, you no kill person but make sure you are single for the right reasons and maximize your single days while you wait for God’s best.
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